Another Failed Breast Cancer Gimmick

This week, I’ve learned that some of my female Facebook friends like it on the front seat of the car. Some like it in a chair. A few even like it on the kitchen countertop.

It’s not what you think. In fact, it’s worse. It’s yet another failed attempt at a breast cancer awareness campaign, according to a blogger for The Washington Post.

Back in January, women were posting their bra colors on Facebook. That got men all worked up, partly because they weren’t in on the joke. But at least talking about bra colors has some relevance to breast cancer. It’s a thin thread that binds the two subjects, but a thread nonetheless.

This campaign is just stupid. “It,” in the latest viral campaign, is a woman’s purse. Someone please explain to me how a campaign that relies on titillating double entendre helps raise awareness of breast cancer. This has FAIL written all over it.

Believe me, I would love nothing more than to see a social-media campaign about breast cancer succeed. My mother passed away in May due to breast cancer that had metastasized in her liver. I have three sisters and a number of other important women in my life. I’d love to see an effective viral campaign that helps reduce the incidence of this horrible disease.

But this latest gimmick is just that — a gimmick played for laughs. If you really want to raise your awareness, read this instead.